Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ferdinand Uses the Potty by Jay Tucker, illustrated by D.E. West

Ferdinand Uses the Potty by Jay Tucker, illustrated by D.E. West
(Rated: C)
Loving Healing Press
ISBN: 978-1-932690-82-8
Published October 2009
Softcover, 24 pages

This is a cute book written in rhyme about Ferdinand, a froggy who is afraid to use the potty because of the sound the toilet makes when it is flushed. He wakes up one night to discover he has wet his bed. A friend reassures him that it doesn’t mean he is bad. He just needs to learn to listen to his body and go to the toilet after every meal.

This is not a typical potty training book. From the vocabulary and situation of the story, I would say this book is particularly suitable for older kids who’ve mastered using the kid potty but are still afraid of using the big toilet once they’re out of diapers. I do not feel that this book is for potty training 18 months to 3 year-old children as it doesn’t outline the progression or transition from diapers to underwear and the full use of using the toilet, including using toilet paper and washing hands, etc. Actually it was my 8 year-old daughter who pointed this out to me. Furthermore, Ferdinand consults a friend and there is no mention of parents in the story. At this developmental stage, children who are being potty trained do not consult friends and their world revolves around their parents, which is why I think it more suited to the older child who is experiencing difficulty in using the toilet.

The illustrations in this book are bright and fun, and I would have liked to see one for every page spread. In this age group, children learn just as much from the illustrations as the text. Overall, it’s a charming book that can help a child face his fear of the big toilet and its “whooshing” sound.

Disclosure: Thanks to Victor R. Volkman from for sending this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.

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