Wednesday, January 13, 2010

EFT for the Highly Sensitive Temperament by Rue Hass

EFT for the Highly Sensitive Temperament by Rue Hass (Rated:C)
Energy Psychology Press
ISBN: 978-1-60415-046-9
Published August 2009
Paperback, 329 pages

If you are looking for a natural non-invasive healing technique, look no further. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is fast becoming the alternative approach “at the forefront of the new healing movement” as Candace Pert, PhD states. But what exactly is EFT? It is an acupressure tapping technique (without needles) that anyone can do on themselves or others, even children.

EFT for the Highly Sensitive Temperament by Rue Hass is a practical hands-on manual that shows how this technique can immediately and routinely reduce the intensity of overwhelming stimuli and feelings. Never before have I read a book that so accurately describes how I feel and react to things. I finally came to understand my highly sensitive temperament (HST) that explains a lot about me, why I suffer from depression and fibromyalgia, and why I am a creative being.

The author begins by explaining the tapping rounds, describing how to do the simple technique in detail, and of course, the highly sensitive perfectionist in me was at times overwhelmed by the amount of info given. So I decided to listen to the reassuring advice of the author who suggests tapping to deal with this minor issue to get the problem out of the way in order to take full advantage of this book.

It’s true it takes self-motivation to use this book, but after a few weeks of doing the tapping, I feel better already. I also tried EFT with my daughter who also has HST. She responded so well to it that I am showing her how to do the tapping rounds by herself. If EFT can offer her one more meaningful way to cope with daily issues that bother her, I am relieved and happy to share this technique with her.

You cannot just read through this book without doing the exercises. I had a highlighter on hand and used it liberally. It’s also small enough to carry in your purse so you can discreetly refer to it anywhere. I especially paid particular attention to the Personal Peace Procedure, which consists of making a list of every bothersome specific event you can remember and then applying EFT to each one of them. With just a few minutes per day, you can help yourself feel better and lower your threshold for getting upset.

This is one book I intend to keep and consult frequently. It has helped me to see how I can turn my sensitivity into a gift instead of seeing it as a fault. As I was familiar with EFT before I read the book, I strongly suggest any of you interested in EFT to go on the official Web site ( and watch a tapping round. You will be blown away by some of the ailments EFT has helped cure. I hope this book will continue to expose this innovative technique and to help many who are highly sensitive.

Disclosure: Thanks to Jeff at Authors Publishing and for sending this book for review. I was not compensated in any other way, nor told how to rate or review this product.

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